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Academic Program
Financial Aid Information
College Navigator and Student Body Diversity
Copyright Infringement and Policies
Cost of Attendance
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Campus Safety and Campus Crime Statistics
Voter Registration
Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds

The AFI Conservatory is authorized to offer federal student aid to qualified Fellows. As such, we are subject to federal regulations that govern the receipt of federal student aid, 34 CFR 668, requires disclosure of several items to prospective or enrolled Fellows. This page contains a list of required disclosures, a summary of each disclosure requirement, links to areas for more information, and who to contact for further information. Please note that in some cases, we have listed the disclosure requirement, but indicate that AFI is not required to meet the requirement. Where a requirement may only be for enrolled Fellows, it may be satisfied through the annual distribution of the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook.

Academic Program
The AFI Conservatory is required to make available to prospective and enrolled Fellows information about the academic program we offer. This must include current degree programs and other educational and training programs, facilities, faculty and any plans by the school for improving the academic program.

Information on our program and faculty can be found here. A description of our campus and its facilities can be found here.

For more information, please contact Admissions at 323.856.7740.

Availability of Financial Aid and Financial Aid Information

Information regarding the availability of financial aid at the AFI Conservatory is listed on the Financial Aid Office website. Several pages are available that describe each aspect of financial aid including need-based and non-need based aid, terms and conditions of aid offered, eligibility requirements, criteria for selection, disbursement of aid, rights and responsibilities including our satisfactory academic progress policy and terms of loan programs.

Please note that the Conservatory program does not include any study abroad program and, therefore, no financial aid information relating to study abroad is listed.

For more information, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Code of Conduct for Education Loans
The AFI Conservatory is required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 to develop, publish, administer and enforce a code of conduct related to student loan programs and lenders. This code of conduct applies to all officers, employees or agents of the institution.


Our code is as follows:

  • AFI Conservatory does not participate in any revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender. No lender shall provide a fee or provide other material benefits, including profit sharing, to the institution or to its officers, employees or agents.
  • AFI Conservatory does not solicit or accept gifts from a lender, guaranty agency, or loan servicer. A “gift” according to the law is a gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan or other item having monetary value. However, a “gift” is NOT brochures, workshops, training, food provided during a training session, assistance with entrance and exit counseling, philanthropic contributions unrelated to educational loans or financial aid funds from the state of California.
  • AFI Conservatory does not allow financial aid staff to accept compensation for consulting or contracting arrangements from a lender relating to educational loans.
  • AFI Conservatory prohibits the practice of steering Fellows towards certain lenders or delaying certifications based on lender choice. The Financial Aid Office does not assign a lender to a Fellow and the decision to borrow from a lender is the decision of the Fellow solely.
  • AFI Conservatory does not request nor accept funds for private loans and does not participate in what is commonly known as “opportunity pool loans.”
  • AFI Conservatory does not request or accept any staffing or call center assistance from any lender. Professional development training, educational counseling, and educational counseling materials do not count as “staffing assistance.” We do reserve the right to accept staffing assistance, as allowed, in the unlikely event of any short-term, nonrecurring basis due to an emergency or disaster.
  • AFI Conservatory does not allow its financial aid staff to accept compensation for participating on an advisory board, commission or group established by a lender, a guarantor or a group of lenders or guarantors.

For more information, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 323.856.7699.

College Navigator Website and Student Body Diversity
Recent amendments to the Higher Education Opportunity Act required the creation of the College Navigator website. The College Navigator website is one central location that lists data about any institution that offers federal student aid. The AFI Conservatory reports data to National Center for Education Statistics in Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System for posting. On College Navigator, the Secretary of Education’s staff annually updates data on these institutions.

You may access the College Navigator website for a complete breakdown of the student body including the percentage of enrolled, full-time Fellows by gender and race. A breakdown by Federal Pell Grant recipients is provided by institutions with undergraduate students only; the AFI Conservatory is a graduate-only program and therefore does not report data by Federal Pell Grant recipients.

Please note that due to limitations in the data collection methods, College Navigator may not present all data correctly. If you have any questions regarding the data, please contact the Office of the Registrar at

Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) includes requirements intended to reduce illegal sharing of electronic copyrighted works via campus networks. These requirements are applicable to all U.S. colleges and universities that receive Title IV or other federal funds. The requirements are:


  1. An annual disclosure to each and every Fellow describing copyright law and campus policies relating to violating copyright law. The disclosure, which must be provided to each Fellow individually, must include:
    1. A statement that explicitly informs its students that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities
    2. A summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws (provided by the U.S. Department of Education)
    3. A description of the institution’s policies with respect to unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including disciplinary actions that are taken against students who engage in illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution’s information technology system
    4. Educational/informational approaches
    5. The use of one or more technology-based deterrents: — Bandwidth shaping
      — Traffic monitoring to identify the largest bandwidth users — A vigorous program of accepting and responding to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices— A variety of commercial products designed to reduce or block illegal file sharing
    6. Procedures to address claims of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials
  1. A plan to effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials by users of its network, which includes:
    1. A plan to offer alternatives to illegal downloading “to the extent practicable”
    2. A procedure to periodically review the effectiveness of the institution’s compliance plan
    3. Institutional certification to the Secretary of Education that the institution has developed plans effectively to combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material

The following outlines how AFI meets the requirements listed above.

I. The Annual Disclosure
Annual disclosure of AFI’s policy to Fellows occurs via the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook that is distributed to each enrolling Fellow at the beginning of each academic year. This disclosure:

  1. Informs AFI Fellows that unauthorized acquisition and distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized file sharing and attempts to modify AFI systems to permit such activities, are considered a violation of Conservatory policy and will subject the Fellows to Conservatory disciplinary procedures. In addition, such unauthorized acquisition and distribution of copyrighted materials may subject them to civil and criminal liabilities
  2. Provides Fellows with a summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws (as recommended and with language provided by the U.S. Department of Education)
  3. Briefly describes and refers Fellows to AFI’s policies with respect to unauthorized acquisition and distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized file sharing and attempts to modify AFI systems to permit such activities. A brief description of the range of AFI Conservatory disciplinary actions is included. As the provisions of AFI’s policy apply to faculty and staff as well, a reminder of the policy will be posted in the monthly HR Messenger newsletter with appropriate links to the policy on the AFI website.

II. AFI’s Plan to “Effectively Combat the Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials” by Users of Its Network Technology-based:

  1. AFI currently deploys a Cisco firewall appliance to monitor traffic and block specific file types and services. While the primary use of the Cisco firewall is to block unauthorized access and maintain a secure computing environment, AFI permits legal music and media sharing protocols, such as Apple iTunes. AFI discards all traffic for services typically used for illegal music, media and file sharing, such as Napster, Kazaa, Aimster, Blubster, PeerEnabler.
  2. AFI can limit the number of simultaneous traffic flows from the network equipment across campus if needed. Should a Conservatory system or user using excessive bandwidth be discovered, the user will be contacted, or the system will be examined to ensure that the bandwidth consumption is for legal purposes and that the user is aware of AFI’s policies concerning illegal file sharing.
  3. Procedures to address claims of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials: AFI’s Director of Information Technology, upon receipt of a Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice from AFI Conservatory administration, initiates the process to investigate the claims asserted in the notice and works in partnership with the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs (for Fellows) or other appropriate senior staff member (for faculty and staff) to notify the alleged offender of receipt of a DMCA notice and commence the appropriate action steps based on the nature of the DMCA notice or RIAA letter received.
  4. Educational and Informational Approaches: Being a film school dedicated to the creation of intellectual property, AFI emphasizes the importance of respecting copyright law both in the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook and during orientation sessions.

III. Legal Alternatives

As noted, AFI’s technology-based approaches permit legal music and media sharing protocols, such as Apple iTunes. While the AFI Conservatory does not necessarily endorse any specific services, a link to Educause’s “Legal Sources of On-Line Content” ( listing is provided as a resource for Fellows, faculty and staff to find legal download services for music and other media.
IV. Periodic Review of this Plan
The Department of Education regulations specify that an institution’s plan must also be reviewed using relevant assessment criteria chosen by the institution. Per the Department of Education, “Each institution retains the authority to determine what its particular plans for compliance…will be.”

The AFI Conservatory will review its plan and related policies and procedures annually. The vice president, infrastructure and executive vice dean will be responsible for this periodic assessment. The objective of our assessment is to determine the overall effectiveness of this plan and our policies and procedures. Some of the elements of our assessment will likely include:

  1. Network traffic monitoring data to assess the impact of our technical efforts to combat illegal file sharing (source: Information Technology, Systems and Networks)
  2. Number and nature of DMCA notices received
  3. Surveys designed to assess policy awareness
  4. Surveys designed to assess the extent to which legal alternatives are used. Results of the assessment will inform revisions to the Institute’s plan, policies and procedures. In accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Education, the results of the review will be provided, and actions taken, if any, to the campus community through the information technology website.

V. Institutional Certification to the Secretary of Education
AFI provides such certification as part of its review and submittal of its Title IV Program Participation Agreement.


Cost of Attendance (Price of Attendance)
Institutions are required to make available their cost of attendance. The cost of attendance includes the cost of tuition and fees and a reasonable estimate for books, supplies, off-campus room and board, transportation, estimated loan fees and miscellaneous personal expenses.


A detailed account of our costs can be found on the Financial Aid Office section of our website. For more information, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 323.856.7699.


Drug and Alcohol Policy

The AFI Conservatory’s Drug and Alcohol policy can be found on pages 76-78 of the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook.

Entrance Counseling and Exit Counseling
Prior to the first disbursement of a federal loan, the Director, Financial Aid, provides entrance counseling which includes all of the required elements to satisfy regulatory mandates. Online entrance counseling through meets the entrance counseling mandate.

Likewise, prior to commencement annually, exit counseling is offered to all second year Fellows that includes all of the required elements to satisfy regulatory mandates. You can view your student loans at the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and you can satisfy and complete your exit counseling requirement at

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act and Athletically Related Student Aid
The AFI Conservatory does not have an athletic program nor does it offer any athletically related student aid. Therefore, AFI is not required to meet any disclosure requirements regarding participation rates, completion rates, or transfer-out rates for student athletes or support for athletic programs.

Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities
AFI is committed to making its facilities and academic program accessible to all qualified Fellows and applicants with disabilities, in compliance with applicable state and federal law. AFI believes that the key to developing an effective accommodation is through an interactive discussion between the faculty and staff and each incoming Fellow. The Office of Fellow Affairs is the primary contact for initiating this process. At that time, any reasonable accommodations to AFI’s facilities or program that may be necessary to ensure a positive and productive experience for the Fellow are discussed. If the Fellow prefers, a parent and/or faculty member may be part of the conversation. The Director, Fellow Affairs, will communicate, as requested by Fellow, with therapists, doctors, outside counselors and any other support persons with regard to support the Conservatory can extend to the Fellow.

Fire Safety Report and Fire Log
Any institution that provides on-campus housing must distribute an annual fire safety report as well as maintain a fire log for on-campus housing. The AFI Conservatory does not provide any housing for Fellows and, therefore, does not distribute an annual fire safety report or maintain a fire log.

Institutional Complaints
An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The bureau may be contacted at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833,, 916.431.6924, fax 619.263.1897.

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
Originally known as the Campus Security Act, the Jeanne Cleary Act is a federal law that requires AFI to provide an annual campus security report to all of its current Fellows. As federally regulated, it is published annually here.

Additional information regarding AFI policies on security, drugs and alcohol, access to campus facilities, Fellow’s conduct, disciplinary actions and related matters may be found in the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook, distributed annually both online and hard copy.

Job Placement Rates
The AFI Conservatory does not guarantee job placement nor does it advertise job placement rates for recruitment purposes. Therefore, we are not required to provide data on the employment or job placement of our alumni.

Missing Person Notification Policy
Any institution that provides on-campus housing must include in its annual security report a policy on missing student notification procedures. The AFI Conservatory does not provide any housing for Fellows and, therefore, does not include a missing person notification policy in its annual security report.

Net Price Calculator
The Conservatory’s net price calculator is provided to give you an ESTIMATE of net cost: the full cost to attend minus an estimate of grants or scholarships. We are only required to provide an estimate based on an Associate Fellow coming into the Certificate of Completion program with no prior college experience. This does not apply to our MFA Fellows.

Outcome of Disciplinary Proceedings
If requested in writing, the AFI Conservatory will disclose the result of a disciplinary proceeding conducted by AFI against a Fellow to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or nonforcible sex offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime of violence or nonforcible sex offense, AFI will provide the results of the disciplinary proceeding to the next of kin if requested in writing. The requirement applies only to disciplinary proceedings conducted on or after August 14, 2009 as required by law.

Preferred Lender List/Arrangement for Private Education Loans
The AFI Conservatory does not endorse any private education loans with a preferred lender arrangement or preferred lender list. Because we do not have such an arrangement or list, no reports or disclosures related are required.

Privacy of Student Records – The Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Institutions receiving funds under any U.S. Department of Education program must adhere to the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As required, the AFI Conservatory provides information about the privacy of educational records to all enrolled Fellows through the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook. The Handbook is distributed to all Fellows each year.

Refund Policy: Withdrawal and the Return of Title IV Funds
The AFI Conservatory’s tuition and fees refund policy as well as the policy on the return of any unearned financial aid is explained in the Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook. For more information, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 323.856.7699.

Requirements and procedures for official withdrawal from the AFI Conservatory are listed in our Fellows Policies and Procedures Handbook that is distributed annually to all enrolled Fellows. It is listed below for prospective Fellows.

At any time during the academic year, a Fellow may withdraw for personal reasons after submitting a signed and dated notification of withdrawal to the Registrar. The day on which the Registrar receives the notification determines the official withdrawal date. The Fellow will be required to relinquish his/her Conservatory identification card to the Registrar, and, as of the recorded withdrawal date, may no longer attend any Conservatory activities, will have no further access to AFI facilities or equipment and is ineligible to receive a degree or certificate from the American Film Institute Conservatory. The transcript will note “withdrawn” and the official date of withdrawal. The Registrar will notify all faculty, staff and Conservatory departments of the official withdrawal status.

State Grant Assistance
The state of California offers a grant program that is administered by the California Student Aid Commission. The Cal Grant program is only offered to undergraduates (with exceptions for a teaching credential or mandatory five-year programs) and is not available for study at the AFI Conservatory.

We encourage your independent research of scholarship and grant opportunities but suggest that you look into state programs in your home state. To assist you, we suggest you look into opportunities at the State Higher Education Agency that administers financial aid in your home state.

Transfer Credit Policies/Articulation Agreements/Accreditations
Due to the unique nature of the AFI Conservatory production-based and collaborative program, the Conservatory does not accept transfer students for admission. Accepted applicants must enter as a first year, first term Fellows with the intent to attend full-time for the duration of the program. Institutional review to be exempt from a particular course in which a Fellow has previous knowledge and experience is considered by requesting Credit for Prior Learning. In such circumstance, if accepted to the Conservatory, transfer credit(s) from other accredited graduate level programs are considered on a discipline-specific basis, but not automatically accepted.

The Conservatory has no articulation agreements with any other institution.

The AFI Conservatory is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), 985 Atlantic Avenue, #100, Alameda, CA 94501, 510.748.9001. The AFI Conservatory is approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (400 “R” Street, Suite 5000, Sacramento, CA 95814-620C, 916.445.3427) to operate as an accredited, degree-granting institution. This school is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. These approvals are available for review in the Registrar’s Office, room 210 in the Warner Bros. Building, during regular business hours.

Voter Registration
Institutions must make a good faith effort to distribute voter registration forms to enrolled students. The AFI Conservatory supports the Secretary of State’s efforts to encourage voter registration.

You may register to vote by picking up the registration form in the Registrar’s Office, WB 210, or at any local elections’ office, library or U.S. Post Office. You may also fill out a Voter Registration Form, in English or Spanish, online and mail it to the county elections office. The address is printed on the form.

For more information about registering to vote, please refer to the informative website provided by the California Secretary of State.

Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF)
Updated July 2023


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 included a Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) that provided more than $14 billion in emergency funding to higher education. Of those funds, more than $6 billion went directly to students in the form of emergency financial aid grants (HEERF-student share) for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID-19 crisis. On April 9, 2020, the ED published a list of individual institutional allocations, a certification form to be signed and returned in order to access the funds, and a letter from Secretary Betsy DeVos outlining ED’s implementation of the CARES Act program.

The AFI Conservatory signed and returned the certification and agreement form for the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). The CARES Act mandates that at least 50% of the emergency financial aid grants shall go directly to students.

AFI received federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSAA) Act and the American Relief Act (ARP), and the Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) grants authorization. The HEERF grant funds are to be distributed to Fellows who have incurred expenses as a direct result of the disruption of campus operations due to Covid-19. Expenses include food, housing, technology, course materials, travel, and childcare. The amounts of the grant awards vary depending on eligibility requirements, the nature of the expenses to be reimbursed, and federal funding levels.

As of July 1, 2023:

  • The total amount of funds of the HEERF student portion that the AFI Conservatory has received: $ 219,403
  • The total amount of HEERF funds that has been distributed to Fellows: $ 481,723*
  • The total number of AFI Fellows who have received a HEERF funds: 289

*In addition to the HEERF student portion, the AFI Conservatory also awarded some of its HEERF institutional portion of funding directly to Fellows.

HEERF Quarterly Reports














How do Fellows apply for HEERF Relief funds through the AFI Conservatory?

In May, 2020 the administration at the AFI Conservatory created an AFI CARES Act HEERF Application, a link to which was emailed to all domestic AFI Fellows in May, 2020. A copy of the application can be found here:

In April, 2021 a HEERF II Application was emailed to all Fellows, a copy of which can be found here:

To apply for an HEERF grant, applicants submit the form and email itemized receipts to Applications were reviewed on a rolling basis, and Fellows received a response within 21 days of application.

In June, 2021, the AFI Conservatory offered all 1st and 2nd Year Fellows an AFI HEERF $1000 Grant; eligible Fellows were asked to submit a response form to indicate if they wished to receive the AFI HEERF $1000 Grant, a copy of which can be found here:

In August 2021, the AFI Conservatory received additional funding under the Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) authorization with the goal of providing assistance to the Class of 2020 Fellows who were most significantly impacted by the campus closure and whose thesis completion was unexpectedly delayed into a fourth year. Eligible Fellows were asked to submit a response form to indicate if they wished to receive the AFI SAIHE Grant, a copy of which can be found here:

During the 2021-2022 and 2022-23 academic year, the Conservatory continued to award emergency financial grants to Fellows who experienced financial difficulties as a result of the Covid emergency. In June, 2023, the AFI Conservatory distributed HEERF financial grants to 109 Fellows who were required to pay for Health and Safety Monitors (HSM) for their thesis films in 2022-23, prior to the end of the federal Covid Emergency declaration on May 12, 2023.

If you have any questions, please direct them to the Financial Aid Office, at